These Nucs will be created from our own stock in Greenup, KY.  The NUC is an established honeybee colony which is now ready for growth during a strong spring nectar flow. Most of the frames are new and becoming established. It will be necessary to transfer the Nuc hive into a larger 8 or 10 frame hive in the coming days. Please plan your equipment needs accordingly. Each NUC will come in a Jester EZ corrugated box or Cardboard box for transport. Your nuc will have a laying Queen that has been proven with a good brood pattern. Queens will be Italian/Carniolian cross.

2025 5 Frame Nuc $185.00 ($50.00 Non-refundable deposit, $135.00 due at pickup)

These Nucs consist of 3-4 frames of brood with various stages of brood, pollen and honey, and 1 deep frame currently being established. Nuc will have a 2024 established laying queen that meets our standards. Pickup will be scheduled based on weather and queen rearing in Spring. Pickup around Mid to late May.

Overwintered Nuc- 2024 Queen  $230.00. ($80.00 Non-refundable deposit, $150.00 due at pickup) SOLD OUT

Nucs will have 5 deep frames of bees, 4 with brood of various stages, 1 deep frame of food stores, and an Over-Wintered laying 2024 Queen. These Nuc’s have successfully overwintered in Northeastern Kentucky and overwintered in our climate. We allow the queens to produce several brood cycles in early spring before they are available for pickup. Pickups will be scheduled based on weather in late April first of May 2025.

Deposits are due upon order to secure your place and orders will be filled based on when the order was placed and deposit received.

Contact Us to reserve your nucs today!